A little bit about me...

 Height:  5'6-ish and shrinking...oh noooo!
 Eyes: One is brown, One is green - seriously 
        Education: Book: Journalism  Heart: Travel
 IQ: Street Smart
Favorite Car: Mini Cooper 
        Relationship Status: Married to living in the moment
 Attire: Black with a splash of red...oh, and a hat - always a hat
        Weaknesses: Chai tea, key lime pie, lemon bars...oh, and chocolate. Too many?
        Favorite time of day: Dawn and Dusk 
Children's Book: Where the Wild Things Are
         Cartoon: MUTTS 
Motto: Get Outside!
License plate: CONFET T
Nicknames: Shortstop, Toucan, Granola Girl, Coyote, Suzgarr

Now for the other artist statement...

"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still."                                                                                                            - Dorothea Lange

My photography is a glimpse into my intuitive and sensitive nature. My images reflect a world infused with stories and snippets in time, which speak to the human spirit. I have a wanderlust and passion to travel, explore and simply be the seeker, the observer. I often travel solo so I can walk the streets as though I am invisible, with my camera in hand, searching and observing what unfolds in front of me. 
Originally from the East Coast, I migrated to Milwaukee 35 years ago and this is home until I pack up my bags and hit the road again. Photography is my creative and natural way to interpret the world. The expressions and gestures I observe are the ones that come from a place deep within. Thatcher Hullerman Cook, a photographer familiar with my work, describes my style as, "quiet and sensitive with a keen sense of observation." She seeks out the small gestures that express deep emotion whether it's an image of someone's hard working hands or an expression of simple, joy, deep sadness or a dream-like state.
A quote by an unknown author sums up my photographic philosophy, "You don't TAKE a photograph, you ask QUIETLY, to BORROW it." To capture that emotion inside a frame is to be present in the moment and see. I credit photographers Dorothea Lange, Helen Levitt, and Robert Frank as having the greatest influence on me and the expression of my art through the camera  lens.
If you are interested in contacting me or purchasing any pieces in my portfolio of work, please use the guestbook on the website or email me directly at suzanne.garr@gmail.com.